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Why did you move to Purcellville? If you’re from Purcellville, why haven’t you left?

     I’ll tell you why I’m here. My family and I moved to Purcellville because we were tired of living in the big city. We were tired of the traffic, the noise, the graffiti, the trash, the air pollution. We were tired of the deteriorating schools, the rising crime, the rampant drug use, the increasingly profane culture all around us. We weren’t looking to live in isolation. We still wanted ready access to goods and services. We wanted to live in a small town. We found that in Purcellville – a community of neighbors; a small town surrounded by other small towns...

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     I am committed to fiscal responsibility, which includes debt reduction, controlled spending, and asset-based economic development. Purcellville’s assets include a welcoming small business community, historic downtown buildings, annual community festivals, proximity to natural attractions, and thriving neighborhoods. We are well situated for long-term sustained economic growth, local return on investment, job creation and retention, and an enlarged local tax base. We do not need to surrender our small town to outsiders looking to make a quick buck by populating our landscape with high-rise office buildings, big box stores, and data centers....

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     I'm running for Town Council to do the right things for the right reasons. That means remembering that Purcellville government exists to serve the interests of the citizens of Purcellville. That means respecting the property rights of ALL citizens of Purcellville and ensuring citizens are not only heard, but listened to. That means getting down to the business of government and addressing issues such as public safety, which is my particular subject matter expertise....

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Paid for By Ben Nett for Purcellville
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