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     I'm running for Town Council to do the right things for the right reasons. That means remembering that Purcellville government exists to serve the interests of the citizens of Purcellville. That means respecting the property rights of ALL citizens of Purcellville and ensuring citizens are not only heard, but listened to. That means getting down to the business of government and addressing issues such as public safety, which is my particular subject matter expertise.

     Disclaimer #1. I am employed as a Purcellville Police Officer. In running for public office, I am exercising my rights under §15.2-1512.2 Code of Virginia, which outlines the rights of first responders to engage in political activity. Further, my candidacy for Town Council has been approved by the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council

     Disclaimer #2. My rights notwithstanding, I intend to resign my subordinate position with the police department in the near term, regardless of the election’s outcome.

     The Purcellville Police Department is currently in a state of crisis due to non-competitive and disparate pay, misallocation of resources, and a top-heavy organizational hierarchy incompatible with a small-town police department. This, plus a pending lawsuit by a former Officer now being represented on contingency – as well as numerous retirements, resignations, and lateral transfers – has left the police department in dire straits. Recognizing the coming calamity, the town's executive team, on February 12, 20024, issued a "Police Department Critical Staffing Shortage Pay Adjustments" memorandum. "Too little too late" was the general response from employees. The unwillingness to attract and retain talent within a police department amounts to an effective defunding of that department. Consequently, the citizens of Purcellville are in danger of loosing uninterrupted police coverage.

      Should that matter? “Should Purcellville even fund its own police department?” That was my question when I first moved here years ago. My conclusion, as a town resident and taxpayer – and without being dependent on this department or any other for my livelihood – is an emphatic “YES.” However, there are fundamental changes that need to take place. That starts with ending the current model of four, uniformed, six-figure-salary administrators in a small-town department - a department grossly understaffed and well below the never-reached authorized force level of twenty-three. We must, and will, return to the “working chief” model of policing.

     Likewise, we must, and will, end the misallocation of town resources. This is perhaps best illustrated by the seven-figure renovation of PPD headquarters – rental space, without right of first refusal – when a brand new facility could have been constructed on town-owned property for under $3 million (well below the $8-10 million estimate proffered.)

     To be clear, I am NOT advocating construction of a new police headquarters building at this time. That would be an unwise and unwarranted capital investment given the recent expenditures for renovation. Instead, we must revamp our pay structure to be more competitive with surrounding jurisdictions, fund a full-time detective position, and focus our recruitment efforts on lateral transfers seeking a career change-of-pace as opposed to costly recruitment and training of new hires who provide poor return on investment due to more lucrative offers from the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies once fully certified. If we want to maintain a police department, then we must: 1) provide adequate funding and 2) make sure that funding is not wasted.

     Candidly, my family lives in Purcellville because my wife read this was the safest town in all of Virginia. Indeed, the streets of Purcellville are as safe at midnight as they are at noon. However, there is sufficient crime to keep our police department busy – financial frauds, grand larcenies, hit & runs, shoplifting, burglaries, vandalism, civil disturbances, etc. As other surrounding small towns, without their own police departments, have learned, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office does not have the manpower to dedicate deputies solely to one particular town. They have too much territory to cover and too many calls for service.

     My analysis of police department operations is based on my experience of more than a decade leading one of the most sensitive and politically charged operations of the U.S. Government - overseeing budget and staffing levels larger than that of the Purcellville Police Department. I've graduated first in class from three paramilitary academies, separated by a period of 20 years, distinguishing myself at both the federal and local level. I have led groups of willful followers, without being dependent on my rank or title, because of my ability to foster stability and camaraderie. I have put my knowledge, skills and expertise to work for Purcellville as a police officer. I am prepared to do the same as a member of Town Council.

     Putting “citizens first” means protecting the life and liberty of our citizens so they may pursue happiness as they define it. With your support, I will ensure that public safety remains a top priority; I will ensure our Police Department has the resources and leadership it deserves.

Paid for By Ben Nett for Purcellville
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